Flores Funebres

Centros florales para difuntos

No es fácil enfrentarse a la pérdida de un ser querido, un familiar o un amigo, en Miranda Flor te ofrecemos un servicio completo en lo que a coronas de flores, centros y ramos de flores se refiere.

Gracias a nuestra variedad de arreglos florales fúnebres, podrás encontrar las coronas funerarias o los centros florales para difuntos más adecuados, disponemos de servicio especializado en enviar flores urgentes para ofrecer sus condolencias a tanatorios, cementerios, iglesias...

Expertos floristas Diseñan y crean las composiciones florales para un día tan delicado.

Once the outside is prettily adorned with flowers, we turn the computer on to see what the day has in store for us in terms of customer orders. We begin the day often conditioning the new flowers that come into the shop. Carefully checking over all stems, removing foliage and giving them a good drink. We make a lot of mess whilst doing this and often lose our feet amongst leafy foliage.

After all the flowers are conditioned into clean buckets (a job that most florists donu2019t enjoy, but a job that in our shop is completed by the owner all the way down to the Saturday girl no one gets out of bleaching buckets!) we get making bouquets and arrangements to sell in the shop or to deliver to lots of pleased recipients.


a toda

la Isla

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